The Arizona Bach Festival brings superb musicians from around the world to join with local stars in presenting the music of Bach and his contemporaries.
The 2025 Season opens on February 16 with a Baroque tour de force: Handel’s complete Messiah. This performance features period instruments with chorus and soloists; a rare and exciting event in Arizona.
The annual all-Bach organ recital features Alcee Chriss III, associate organist of Trinity Church Wall Street, NYC, and University Organist at Wesleyan University. Hailed as one of the finest organists of our time, he plays the wonderful neo-baroque organ of All Saints’ Episcopal Church on February 23.
Martha Masters, an outstanding classical guitarist and ASU professor, plays a recital at the Scottsdale Museum of the West amid their glorious artwork on March 6.
On March 16, the grand finale of the Festival is Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, featuring four different violinists; each one a superb artist.
The Arizona Bach Festival is on YouTube!
To experience a tantalizing taste of the variety and quality of our Festival artists, click here for a YouTube playlist of brief excerpts from our 2024 Festival concerts (similar excerpts for previous seasons are also available at our YouTube channel). Full concert videos from the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Festivals are available as Video Packages.
Bach Talks with Dr. Craig Westendorf
The Arizona Bach Festival proudly presents our resident Bach Scholar, Dr. Craig Westendorf, in “Bach Talk 2 – The Chorale,” the second of a series of informative videos about the fascinating elements of what makes the music of Johann Sebastian Bach so magnificent! (Here’s a link to Bach Talk 1)