Vocal Pedagogy Initiative 2023-2024 • Josefien Stoppelenburg, Soprano
The Arizona Bach Festival announces its first year-long Vocal Pedagogy Initiative in a series of workshops, master classes, recitals, salon concerts, and private coaching with the renowned Dutch Soprano, Josefien Stoppelenburg. Individual vocal artists and ensembles are invited to participate in any or all of the four events of this program. In addition, private study is also available for a fee.
The Melisma Course in September and Master Classes in November and March have been successful and we look forward to one more master class and a recital at Orangewood Presbyterian Church in April!
The Arizona Bach Festival is on YouTube
To experience a little taste of the variety and quality of our Festival artists, click here for a YouTube playlist of brief excerpts from our 2022 Festival. Full concert videos from the 2022 and 2023 Festivals are available (for only $50/season) as Video Packages.
Bach Talks with Dr. Craig Westendorf
The Arizona Bach Festival proudly presents our resident Bach Scholar, Dr. Craig Westendorf, in “Bach Talk 2 – The Chorale,” the second of a series of informative videos about the fascinating elements of what makes the music of Johann Sebastian Bach so magnificent! (Here’s a link to Bach Talk 1)